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Faites chauffer vos cartes graphiques ATI ... et Nvidia!

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J'en suis à la 40 ième depuis hier , ça va être bon pour les points ça , 98 points par WU soit dans les 3900 points pour le client GPU2 en à peine plus de 24 heures . :D:D:D


Et encore je l'ai stoppé deux ou trois fois . :lol:

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C'est clair que c'est très impressionnant.


C'est pas bon pour ma 4ème place ( :D ) mais c'est bon pour l'équipe!


Moi j'hésite toujours entre une 8800GT et une HD4850...

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J'attend la mise à jour des stats pour voir combien de points en plus m'apporte le client GPU2 , ça sent bon . :P:P


Tu a encore un peu de marge avant que j'arrive à ta hauteur , mais avec les deux clients je vais arriver vite . :P


Ouais les prix se valent , faut voir laquelle ferait le plus de points entre les deux . ;)

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C'est con pour ceux qui ont un dual core , mais sympa pour moi . :P:P

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vous avez quoi comme driver avec le client nvidia? j'ai mis uniquement les driver nvidia les plus récent et ca marche... certains parlent de driver cuda pour que ca marche...

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Question lepiaf tu as quoi comme CG?


Si ce n'est pas la même que bmk tu peux nous faire un petit feedback sur le temps de calcul?

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# Windows Console GPU Edition #################################################



Folding@Home Client Version 6.12beta6







Launch directory: C:\Documents and Settings\pierre\Application Data\Folding@home-gpu



[06:05:03] - Ask before connecting: No

[06:05:03] - User name: [PcPerfLeMag]_lepiaf37 (Team 51)

[06:05:03] - User ID: 21F3AA873D1180C4

[06:05:03] - Machine ID: 2


[06:05:03] Loaded queue successfully.

[06:05:03] Initialization complete

[06:05:03] + Benchmarking ...


[06:05:03] + Processing work unit

[06:05:03] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[06:05:03] Core found.

[06:05:03] Working on Unit 01 [June 21 06:05:03]

[06:05:03] + Working ...


[06:05:03] *------------------------------*

[06:05:03] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[06:05:03] Version 1.05 (Thu Jun 12 15:39:34 PDT 2008)


[06:05:03] Compiler :

[06:05:03] Build host: amoeba

[06:05:03] Preparing to commence simulation

[06:05:03] - Looking at optimizations...

[06:05:03] - Files status OK

[06:05:03] - Expanded 42044 -> 246249 (decompressed 585.6 percent)

[06:05:03] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=42044 data_size=246249, decompressed_data_size=246249 diff=0

[06:05:03] - Digital signature verified


[06:05:03] Project: 5001 (Run 4, Clone 179, Gen 21)


[06:05:03] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[06:05:03] Entering M.D.

[06:05:09] Will resume from checkpoint file

[06:05:10] Working on p5001_supervillin_e1

[06:05:10] Client config found, loading data.

[06:05:10] Resuming from checkpoint

[06:05:10] Verified work/wudata_01.log

[06:05:10] Verified work/wudata_01.edr

[06:05:10] Verified work/wudata_01.trr

[06:05:10] Verified work/wudata_01.xtc

[06:05:10] Completed 11%

[06:05:10] Starting GUI Server

[06:05:47] Completed 12%

[06:06:26] Completed 13%

[06:07:02] Completed 14%

[06:07:40] Completed 15%

[06:08:17] Completed 16%

[06:08:55] Completed 17%

[06:09:32] Completed 18%

[06:10:09] Completed 19%

[06:10:46] Completed 20%

[06:11:24] Completed 21%

[06:12:01] Completed 22%

[06:12:38] Completed 23%

[06:13:16] Completed 24%

[06:13:53] Completed 25%

[06:14:29] Completed 26%

[06:15:06] Completed 27%

[06:15:43] Completed 28%

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Ok merci lepiaf pour ces renseignements!


On est donc sur du 1H par WU et du 2352ppd sur une P5001 avec ta carte.



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cependant, ca rame sévère sous firefox avec le plug in "tab effect"

aujourd'hui je laisse le client gpu pour la jounée en mode "slightly higher" je verrai bien.


sinon plantage avec le viewer (c'est le cas chez moi..)

BSOD "le pilote nv..4 est entré dans une boucle infinie blablabla..." Reset

Edited by lepiaf37

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Oui j'ai lu sur le forum de l'AF qu'il ne faut pas utiliser le viewer pour le moment car il n'est pas stable et provoque des BSOD.

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# Windows Console GPU Edition #################################################



Folding@Home Client Version 6.12beta6







Launch directory: C:\Documents and Settings\pierre\Application Data\Folding@home-gpu



[06:05:03] - Ask before connecting: No

[06:05:03] - User name: [PcPerfLeMag]_lepiaf37 (Team 51)

[06:05:03] - User ID: 21F3AA873D1180C4

[06:05:03] - Machine ID: 2


[06:05:03] Loaded queue successfully.

[06:05:03] Initialization complete

[06:05:03] + Benchmarking ...


[06:05:03] + Processing work unit

[06:05:03] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[06:05:03] Core found.

[06:05:03] Working on Unit 01 [June 21 06:05:03]

[06:05:03] + Working ...


[06:05:03] *------------------------------*

[06:05:03] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[06:05:03] Version 1.05 (Thu Jun 12 15:39:34 PDT 2008)


[06:05:03] Compiler :

[06:05:03] Build host: amoeba

[06:05:03] Preparing to commence simulation

[06:05:03] - Looking at optimizations...

[06:05:03] - Files status OK

[06:05:03] - Expanded 42044 -> 246249 (decompressed 585.6 percent)

[06:05:03] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=42044 data_size=246249, decompressed_data_size=246249 diff=0

[06:05:03] - Digital signature verified


[06:05:03] Project: 5001 (Run 4, Clone 179, Gen 21)


[06:05:03] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[06:05:03] Entering M.D.

[06:05:09] Will resume from checkpoint file

[06:05:10] Working on p5001_supervillin_e1

[06:05:10] Client config found, loading data.

[06:05:10] Resuming from checkpoint

[06:05:10] Verified work/wudata_01.log

[06:05:10] Verified work/wudata_01.edr

[06:05:10] Verified work/wudata_01.trr

[06:05:10] Verified work/wudata_01.xtc

[06:05:10] Completed 11%

[06:05:10] Starting GUI Server

[06:05:47] Completed 12%

[06:06:26] Completed 13%

[06:07:02] Completed 14%

[06:07:40] Completed 15%

[06:08:17] Completed 16%

[06:08:55] Completed 17%

[06:09:32] Completed 18%

[06:10:09] Completed 19%

[06:10:46] Completed 20%

[06:11:24] Completed 21%

[06:12:01] Completed 22%

[06:12:38] Completed 23%

[06:13:16] Completed 24%

[06:13:53] Completed 25%

[06:14:29] Completed 26%

[06:15:06] Completed 27%

[06:15:43] Completed 28%

[06:16:21] Completed 29%

[06:16:58] Completed 30%

[06:17:35] Completed 31%

[06:18:13] Completed 32%

[06:18:50] Completed 33%

[06:19:27] Completed 34%

[06:20:04] Completed 35%

[06:20:41] Completed 36%

[06:21:18] Completed 37%

[06:21:55] Completed 38%

[06:22:32] Completed 39%

[06:23:09] Completed 40%

[06:23:46] Completed 41%

[06:24:23] Completed 42%

[06:25:00] Completed 43%

[06:25:37] Completed 44%

[06:26:14] Completed 45%

[06:26:51] Completed 46%

[06:27:28] Completed 47%

[06:28:05] Completed 48%

[06:28:42] Completed 49%

[06:29:19] Completed 50%

[06:29:56] Completed 51%

[06:30:33] Completed 52%

[06:31:10] Completed 53%

[06:31:47] Completed 54%

[06:32:24] Completed 55%

[06:33:01] Completed 56%

[06:33:38] Completed 57%

[06:34:15] Completed 58%

[06:34:52] Completed 59%

[06:35:29] Completed 60%

[06:36:06] Completed 61%

[06:36:43] Completed 62%

[06:37:20] Completed 63%

[06:37:57] Completed 64%

[06:38:34] Completed 65%

[06:39:11] Completed 66%

[06:39:48] Completed 67%

[06:40:25] Completed 68%

[06:41:02] Completed 69%

[06:41:39] Completed 70%

[06:42:16] Completed 71%

[06:42:53] Completed 72%

[06:43:30] Completed 73%

[06:44:07] Completed 74%

[06:44:44] Completed 75%

[06:45:21] Completed 76%

[06:45:58] Completed 77%

[06:46:35] Completed 78%

[06:47:12] Completed 79%

[06:47:49] Completed 80%

[06:48:26] Completed 81%

[06:49:03] Completed 82%

[06:49:40] Completed 83%

[06:50:17] Completed 84%

[06:50:54] Completed 85%

[06:51:31] Completed 86%

[06:52:08] Completed 87%

[06:52:45] Completed 88%

[06:53:21] Completed 89%

[06:53:58] Completed 90%

[06:54:36] Completed 91%

[06:55:12] Completed 92%

[06:55:49] Completed 93%

[06:56:27] Completed 94%

[06:57:03] Completed 95%

[06:57:40] Completed 96%

[06:58:18] Completed 97%

[06:58:54] Completed 98%

[06:59:31] Completed 99%

[07:00:09] Completed 100%


[07:01:09] Finished Work Unit:

[07:01:09] - Reading up to 1441080 from "work/wudata_01.trr": Read 1441080

[07:01:09] trr file hash check passed.

[07:01:09] - Reading up to 452040 from "work/wudata_01.xtc": Read 452040

[07:01:09] xtc file hash check passed.

[07:01:09] edr file hash check passed.

[07:01:09] logfile size: 58582

[07:01:09] Leaving Run

[07:01:09] - Writing 1952774 bytes of core data to disk...

[07:01:09] Done: 1952262 -> 1739749 (compressed to 89.1 percent)

[07:01:09] ... Done.

[07:01:09] - Shutting down core


[07:01:09] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT

[07:01:12] CoreStatus = 64 (100)

[07:01:12] Sending work to server



[07:01:12] + Attempting to send results

[07:02:51] + Results successfully sent

[07:02:51] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[07:02:51] + Number of Units Completed: 20


[07:02:55] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[07:02:55] + Attempting to get work packet

[07:02:55] - Connecting to assignment server

[07:02:56] - Successful: assigned to (

[07:02:56] + News From Folding@Home: GPU folding beta

[07:02:56] Loaded queue successfully.

[07:02:58] + Closed connections


[07:02:58] + Processing work unit

[07:02:58] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[07:02:58] Core found.

[07:02:58] Working on Unit 02 [June 21 07:02:58]

[07:02:58] + Working ...


[07:02:58] *------------------------------*

[07:02:58] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[07:02:58] Version 1.05 (Thu Jun 12 15:39:34 PDT 2008)


[07:02:58] Compiler :

[07:02:58] Build host: amoeba

[07:02:58] Preparing to commence simulation

[07:02:58] - Looking at optimizations...

[07:02:58] - Created dyn

[07:02:58] - Files status OK

[07:02:58] - Expanded 43299 -> 246249 (decompressed 568.7 percent)

[07:02:58] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=43299 data_size=246249, decompressed_data_size=246249 diff=0

[07:02:58] - Digital signature verified


[07:02:58] Project: 5002 (Run 4, Clone 150, Gen 36)


[07:02:58] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[07:02:58] Entering M.D.

[07:03:04] Working on p5002_supervillin_e1

[07:03:05] Client config found, loading data.

[07:03:05] Starting GUI Server

[07:03:42] Completed 1%

[07:04:18] Completed 2%

[07:04:55] Completed 3%

[07:05:32] Completed 4%

[07:06:09] Completed 5%

[07:06:46] Completed 6%

[07:07:23] Completed 7%

[07:08:00] Completed 8%

[07:08:37] Completed 9%

[07:09:14] Completed 10%

[07:09:51] Completed 11%

[07:10:27] Completed 12%

[07:11:04] Completed 13%

[07:11:41] Completed 14%

[07:12:18] Completed 15%

[07:12:55] Completed 16%

[07:13:32] Completed 17%

[07:14:09] Completed 18%

[07:14:46] Completed 19%

[07:15:23] Completed 20%

[07:15:59] Completed 21%

[07:16:36] Completed 22%

[07:17:13] Completed 23%

[07:17:50] Completed 24%

[07:18:27] Completed 25%

[07:19:04] Completed 26%

[07:19:41] Completed 27%

[07:20:18] Completed 28%

[07:20:55] Completed 29%

[07:21:32] Completed 30%

[07:22:08] Completed 31%

[07:22:45] Completed 32%

[07:23:22] Completed 33%

[07:23:59] Completed 34%

[07:24:36] Completed 35%

[07:25:13] Completed 36%

[07:25:50] Completed 37%

[07:26:27] Completed 38%

[07:27:04] Completed 39%

[07:27:40] Completed 40%

[07:28:17] Completed 41%

[07:28:54] Completed 42%

[07:29:31] Completed 43%

[07:30:08] Completed 44%

[07:30:45] Completed 45%

[07:31:22] Completed 46%

[07:31:59] Completed 47%

[07:32:36] Completed 48%

[07:33:13] Completed 49%

[07:33:49] Completed 50%

[07:34:26] Completed 51%

[07:35:03] Completed 52%

[07:35:40] Completed 53%

[07:36:17] Completed 54%

[07:36:54] Completed 55%

[07:37:31] Completed 56%

[07:38:08] Completed 57%

[07:38:45] Completed 58%

[07:39:21] Completed 59%

[07:39:58] Completed 60%

[07:40:35] Completed 61%

[07:41:12] Completed 62%

[07:41:49] Completed 63%

[07:42:26] Completed 64%

[07:43:03] Completed 65%

[07:43:40] Completed 66%

[07:44:17] Completed 67%

[07:44:54] Completed 68%

[07:45:30] Completed 69%

[07:46:07] Completed 70%

[07:46:44] Completed 71%

[07:47:21] Completed 72%

[07:47:58] Completed 73%

[07:48:35] Completed 74%

[07:49:12] Completed 75%

[07:49:49] Completed 76%

[07:50:26] Completed 77%

[07:51:03] Completed 78%

[07:51:39] Completed 79%

[07:52:16] Completed 80%

[07:52:53] Completed 81%

[07:53:30] Completed 82%

[07:54:07] Completed 83%

[07:54:44] Completed 84%

[07:55:21] Completed 85%

[07:55:58] Completed 86%

[07:56:35] Completed 87%

[07:57:12] Completed 88%

[07:57:48] Completed 89%

[07:58:25] Completed 90%

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Ben moi j'ai juste les drivers 175.16 de chez Guru3d . :)


[15:54:14] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[15:54:14] + Attempting to get work packet

[15:54:14] - Connecting to assignment server

[15:54:15] - Successful: assigned to (

[15:54:15] + News From Folding@Home: GPU folding beta

[15:54:15] Loaded queue successfully.

[15:54:17] + Closed connections


[15:54:17] + Processing work unit

[15:54:17] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[15:54:17] Core found.

[15:54:17] Working on Unit 00 [June 21 15:54:17]

[15:54:17] + Working ...


[15:54:17] *------------------------------*

[15:54:17] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta

[15:54:17] Version 1.05 (Thu Jun 12 15:39:34 PDT 2008)


[15:54:17] Compiler :

[15:54:17] Build host: amoeba

[15:54:17] Preparing to commence simulation

[15:54:17] - Looking at optimizations...

[15:54:17] - Created dyn

[15:54:17] - Files status OK

[15:54:17] - Expanded 41635 -> 246249 (decompressed 591.4 percent)

[15:54:17] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=41635 data_size=246249, decompressed_data_size=246249 diff=0

[15:54:17] - Digital signature verified


[15:54:17] Project: 5002 (Run 6, Clone 200, Gen 23)


[15:54:17] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[15:54:17] Entering M.D.

[15:54:23] Working on p5002_supervillin_e1

[15:54:24] Client config found, loading data.

[15:54:24] Starting GUI Server

[15:54:46] Completed 1%

[15:55:08] Completed 2%

[15:55:30] Completed 3%

[15:55:52] Completed 4%

[15:56:14] Completed 5%

[15:56:36] Completed 6%

[15:57:02] Completed 7%

[15:57:28] Completed 8%

[15:57:55] Completed 9%

[15:58:21] Completed 10%

[15:58:48] Completed 11%

[15:59:14] Completed 12%

[15:59:40] Completed 13%

[16:00:07] Completed 14%

[16:00:33] Completed 15%

[16:01:00] Completed 16%

[16:01:26] Completed 17%

[16:01:53] Completed 18%

[16:02:20] Completed 19%

[16:02:46] Completed 20%

[16:03:12] Completed 21%

[16:03:39] Completed 22%

[16:04:05] Completed 23%

[16:04:32] Completed 24%

[16:04:58] Completed 25%

[16:05:24] Completed 26%

[16:05:51] Completed 27%

[16:06:17] Completed 28%

[16:06:44] Completed 29%

[16:07:10] Completed 30%

[16:07:37] Completed 31%

[16:08:03] Completed 32%

[16:08:30] Completed 33%

[16:08:56] Completed 34%

[16:09:23] Completed 35%

[16:09:50] Completed 36%

[16:10:16] Completed 37%

[16:10:43] Completed 38%

[16:11:09] Completed 39%

[16:11:36] Completed 40%

[16:12:02] Completed 41%

[16:12:29] Completed 42%

[16:12:55] Completed 43%

[16:13:22] Completed 44%

[16:13:49] Completed 45%

[16:14:15] Completed 46%

[16:14:42] Completed 47%

[16:15:08] Completed 48%

[16:15:35] Completed 49%

[16:16:01] Completed 50%

[16:16:28] Completed 51%

[16:16:54] Completed 52%

[16:17:21] Completed 53%

[16:17:47] Completed 54%

[16:18:14] Completed 55%

[16:18:40] Completed 56%

[16:19:07] Completed 57%

[16:19:33] Completed 58%

[16:20:01] Completed 59%

[16:20:29] Completed 60%

[16:20:56] Completed 61%

[16:21:25] Completed 62%

[16:21:52] Completed 63%

[16:22:20] Completed 64%

[16:22:48] Completed 65%

[16:23:16] Completed 66%

[16:23:44] Completed 67%

[16:24:12] Completed 68%

[16:24:40] Completed 69%

[16:25:07] Completed 70%

[16:25:36] Completed 71%

[16:26:03] Completed 72%

[16:26:31] Completed 73%

[16:26:59] Completed 74%

[16:27:27] Completed 75%

[16:27:54] Completed 76%

[16:28:22] Completed 77%

[16:28:50] Completed 78%

[16:29:18] Completed 79%

[16:29:46] Completed 80%

[16:30:13] Completed 81%

[16:30:42] Completed 82%

[16:31:09] Completed 83%

[16:31:37] Completed 84%

[16:32:05] Completed 85%

[16:32:33] Completed 86%

[16:33:00] Completed 87%

[16:33:28] Completed 88%

[16:33:56] Completed 89%

[16:34:24] Completed 90%

[16:34:52] Completed 91%

[16:35:20] Completed 92%

[16:35:47] Completed 93%

[16:36:15] Completed 94%

[16:36:43] Completed 95%

[16:37:10] Completed 96%

[16:37:38] Completed 97%

[16:38:06] Completed 98%

[16:38:33] Completed 99%

[16:39:01] Completed 100%


[16:40:01] Finished Work Unit:

[16:40:01] - Reading up to 1441080 from "work/wudata_00.trr": Read 1441080

[16:40:01] trr file hash check passed.

[16:40:01] - Reading up to 452496 from "work/wudata_00.xtc": Read 452496

[16:40:01] xtc file hash check passed.

[16:40:01] edr file hash check passed.

[16:40:01] logfile size: 58262

[16:40:01] Leaving Run

[16:40:02] - Writing 1952910 bytes of core data to disk...

[16:40:03] Done: 1952398 -> 1736444 (compressed to 88.9 percent)

[16:40:03] ... Done.

[16:40:03] - Shutting down core


[16:40:03] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT

[16:40:05] CoreStatus = 64 (100)

[16:40:05] Sending work to server



[16:40:05] + Attempting to send results

[16:40:40] + Results successfully sent

[16:40:40] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.

[16:40:40] + Number of Units Completed: 72

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27s par %

Ca nous fait 45minutes pour la WU et environ 3100ppd.

Que du bon tout ça.

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ça peut tourner en même temps qu'un smp processeur? :)

Oui mais il faut savoir que cela monopolise en core du CPU (donc ralentissement du SMP). Mais je pense malgré tout que niveau production c'est plus intéressant que le SMP seul.

Par contre comme le client est envore 'jeune' il provoque des ralentissement sous Windows... Un phénomène qui devrait, on l'espère, rapidement être corrigé.

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Par contre n'utilise pas le viewer car il provoque des BSOD vu que le client est encore jeune.

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Par contre n'utilise pas le viewer car il provoque des BSOD vu que le client est encore jeune.


tu veux dire de ne pas laisser cette fenêtre ouverte en permanence, au risque d'avoir des BSOD?



Trop tard me suis fait avoir! ;)

là il est tranquil dans la barre de tâches!

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Et toi Foo_Fight alors , tu a réussi à te décider pour une carte compatible ? ;)

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