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Tout ce qui a été posté par ElectriZ

  1. Cest surtout par internet quil se vend, en download. Mais j'ai eu beau essayer d'exclure les repertoire de folding, creer des regles d'exclusions et tout, rien a faire, a partir du moment ou j'ai un anti virus, ca merde (jai teste en version demo kaspersky, en plus d'etre lourd et chiant, idem). Tourner sans anti virus a court terme oki, jvais formater avec l'arriver de la nouvelle mobo, mais sur le plus long terme, je trouve un peu genant a vrai dire...
  2. Je viens de passer commande du dernier C2D. Donc un E4500 (@3.2 mini jespere) va bientot grossir les rangs de la team. Une fois la nouvelle mobo reçu pour le Q6600, je devrais pouvoir le stabiliser a une frequence d'au moins 4Ghz (avec un phase-change au cul jsuis pas gourmand !), ce qui lui permettra de faire 2 WUs/jour sur. Donc : Q6600 a 2 WUs/jour E6600 a 1 WU/jour (etant donne qu'il faut environ 19-20H, parfois 2) E4500*2 a 1WU/jour (@3.3ghz il fait environ 22H30... donc peut etre 2 aussi parfois) Soit un minimum de 5WUs/jour, et un maximum (totalement theorique !) de 8WUs/jours, donc entre 8800 et 14080 points par jour. Mais je vais bientot entamer des travaux, donc tout ce petit monde ne sera surement pas en service pendant quelques jours, ce qui devrait laisser a lepiaf de reprendre un peu d'avance Edit : Sinon, les PC du boulot devraient bientot ne plus etre en fonctionnement, au environ de mercredi/jeudi prochain. Donc entre ca et mes travaux, grosse chute de mes stats bientot, mais ne pas s'inquieter, cest normal
  3. Pouèr ce qui est du firewall, spas compliqué, j'en ai pas sur les PC. Ya deja celui de mon routeur. Quand je passerais a la version 3 de NOD32 yen aura 1, mais il est facielement parametrable. En tout les cas bonne nouvelle, le Q6600 est bien repartie apres avoir envoye sa WU ce matin ! Donc pour la premiere fois depuis des jours (pret d'une semaine !), le quad va enfin faire ces 2 WUs de la journee ! Donc c'etais bien NOD32. Je vais le reinstaller et exclure les repertoire de folding sur tout le PC, ca devrait donc etre nickel apres ca ! En tout les cas merci beaucoup, ca va me changer la vie si mes SMP ne plante plus, et en plus je ne pourrait que avoir une meilleur prod
  4. Oui, il est vrai. Mais cest de sa faute aussi a mon AV, il est tellement discret que je l'avais completement zappé (NOD32). Enfin la cest en test sans AV du tout, et si ca fonctione, j'exclurait le repertoire folding_smp... J'espere vraiment que c'est la solution a mon probleme, parce que entre mes phases de "jefaisjoujouavecmondodcommentcestbeaumonprocoa-35°C !" et ce probleme, mes stats en prennent un serieux coups. Edit : A y reflechir, jsuis vraiment con sur ce coup, ya de forte chance que cela soit NOD32, etant donnee que cest le seul point commun entre mes becanes et celles du taf (etant l'admin, cest moi qui ai choisie l'AV)...
  5. Le Q6600 et le E4500 resterons sous Windows (DivxBox avec DVB, et le Q cest le principale, je joue, je bosse, je fais du montage video...) Le E6600 va passer sous Nux normalement. A la base il devait passer sous Lenny, mais il ne reconnaissait pas une bonne partie du matos de la mobo. Depuis jai tester ubuntu, et j'avoue que j'ai ete bluffé... Mais le passage a Nux ne se fera pas de suite. Le E6600 est une espece de serveur de donnees (ouais ok, jai honte davoir un pseudo serveur de donnees sous Win, timagine meme pas comment jai eu mal au coeur d'installer XP dessus !), et j'ai un raid 5 de 4*500Go remplit a 80%, le tout en NTFS. Il va donc falloir que je vide un peu avant de le passer sous Nux.
  6. Merci pour ta reponses ! Je vais essayer en coupant l'anti-virus pour 24H sur le quad, on verra bien. Si ca vient de ca cest tout de meme genant de ne pas pouvoir avoir d'anti-virus sur son PC pour faire tourner folding... Enfin, je vais tenter ca, et on verra bien Merci
  7. Alors voila, j'ai 3 clients SMP sous XP a titre perso (Q6600, E6600 et E4500), et 2 au taf (et aussi un sous W2K3), et sur tout ces SMP, jai le meme probleme : Le client "plante" une fois qu'il a envoyé ca WU termine. Le plus chiant c'est que le fait de quitter et relancer le client ne le relance pas toujours... il replante. Je suis bien souvent obligé de tuer les processus, supprimer les work/queue et de remettre mon passwd avec l'install. Mais meme ca, ca ne fonctionne pas a chaque fois. Sur le W2K3 (Bi-Xeon @3Ghz NON O/C), il me faut parfois plusieurs heures pour quil se decede enfin a repartir ! Alors a la limite, les 3 du taf j'men fou, il tourneront bientot plus, mais pour les miens, cest relou. D'autant plus que a cause de ca, le Q6600 devrait me faire 2 WUs/jours, mais a cause de ce probleme, ba il n'en fait qu'une... Pour ce qui est des O/C me direz vous... Le E4500 est @ 3300Mhz, rock stable (24H de CPU Stress MT), 55°C en burn Le E6600 est @ 3600Mhz, rock stable (24H de CPU Stress MT), 48°C en burn Le Q6600 est @ 3600Mhz, rock stable (24H de CPU Stress MT), -35°C en burn (jpeux pas le pousser plus pour le moment car j'ai une incompatibilite entre ma ram et ma mobo, new mobo en debut de semaine prochaine) Donc spas vraiment les temperatures, les O/C sont stables (j'ai bien entendu teste folding avec les frequences d'origines pour etre sur). Puis en plus spas pendant qu'ils calculent qu'ils plantent ! J'ai jamais eu de EUE pendant une WU. Comme il me sort tres souvent un FILE_IO_ERROR, j'ai au debut pensé a un probleme de droits, j'ai donc tout viré, cree un user sans droits, installé le client avec ce user... RIEN ! Il ont beau ne pas etre sous vista, tout les clients sont installé a une adresse sans espace : C:\folding_smp\ Bref, je crois que je comprend les gens qui plie 2-3 WUs et qui arretent avec ce genre de trucs, c'est insupportable. Enfin, voila un long bout de log du Q6600, en esperant que vous trouviez le probleme : # SMP Client ################################################################## ############################################################################### Folding@Home Client Version 5.91beta5 ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Launch directory: C:\folding_smp Executable: C:\folding_smp\fah.exe Arguments: -forceasm -verbosity 9 Warning: By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to do this, please restart the program without -forceasm. If work units are not completing fully (and particularly if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue use of the flag. [03:20:53] - Ask before connecting: No [03:20:53] - User name: ElectriZ (Team 51) [03:20:53] - User ID: 3A61C69767DA433 [03:20:53] - Machine ID: 1 [03:20:53] [03:20:53] Loaded queue successfully. [03:20:53] [03:20:53] - Autosending finished units... [03:20:53] + Processing work unit [03:20:53] Trying to send all finished work units [03:20:53] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe [03:20:53] + No unsent completed units remaining. [03:20:53] - Autosend completed [03:20:53] Core found. [03:20:53] Working on Unit 04 [January 30 03:20:53] [03:20:53] + Working ... [03:20:53] - Calling 'mpiexec -channel auto -np 4 FahCore_a1.exe -dir work/ -suffix 04 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 1984 -version 591' [03:20:53] [03:20:53] *------------------------------* [03:20:53] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core [03:20:53] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007) [03:20:53] [03:20:53] Preparing to commence simulation [03:20:53] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [03:21:10] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on. [03:21:10] - Not checking prior termination. [03:21:10] - Couldn't open work/core78.sta for writing. [03:21:15] - Expanded 2959 [03:21:15] Project: 2653 (Run 2, Clone 121, Gen 49) [03:21:15] [03:21:15] ) [03:21:15] [03:21:15] Project: 2653 (Run 2, Clone 121, Gen 49) [03:21:15] [03:21:16] ing M.D. [03:21:16] optimizations on if available. [03:21:16] Entering M.D. [03:21:23] Completed 270000 out of 500000 steps (54 percent) [03:21:23] ted 270000 out of 500000 steps (54 percent) [03:21:23] f 500000 steps (54 percent) [03:21:24] Extra SSE boost OK. [03:29:16] Writing local files [03:29:16] Completed 275000 out of 500000 steps (55 percent) [03:37:12] Writing local files [03:37:12] Completed 280000 out of 500000 steps (56 percent) [03:45:13] Writing local files [03:45:13] Completed 285000 out of 500000 steps (57 percent) [03:53:01] Writing local files [03:53:02] Completed 290000 out of 500000 steps (58 percent) [04:00:49] Writing local files [04:00:49] Completed 295000 out of 500000 steps (59 percent) [04:08:36] Writing local files [04:08:37] Completed 300000 out of 500000 steps (60 percent) [04:16:28] Writing local files [04:16:28] Completed 305000 out of 500000 steps (61 percent) [04:24:22] Writing local files [04:24:22] Completed 310000 out of 500000 steps (62 percent) [04:32:17] Writing local files [04:32:17] Completed 315000 out of 500000 steps (63 percent) [04:40:16] Writing local files [04:40:16] Completed 320000 out of 500000 steps (64 percent) [04:48:06] Writing local files [04:48:06] Completed 325000 out of 500000 steps (65 percent) [04:55:52] Writing local files [04:55:52] Completed 330000 out of 500000 steps (66 percent) [05:03:38] Writing local files [05:03:38] Completed 335000 out of 500000 steps (67 percent) [05:11:24] Writing local files [05:11:24] Completed 340000 out of 500000 steps (68 percent) [05:19:11] Writing local files [05:19:11] Completed 345000 out of 500000 steps (69 percent) [05:26:57] Writing local files [05:26:57] Completed 350000 out of 500000 steps (70 percent) [05:34:43] Writing local files [05:34:43] Completed 355000 out of 500000 steps (71 percent) [05:42:30] Writing local files [05:42:30] Completed 360000 out of 500000 steps (72 percent) [05:50:17] Writing local files [05:50:17] Completed 365000 out of 500000 steps (73 percent) [05:58:04] Writing local files [05:58:04] Completed 370000 out of 500000 steps (74 percent) [06:05:52] Writing local files [06:05:52] Completed 375000 out of 500000 steps (75 percent) [06:13:40] Writing local files [06:13:40] Completed 380000 out of 500000 steps (76 percent) [06:21:28] Writing local files [06:21:28] Completed 385000 out of 500000 steps (77 percent) [06:29:16] Writing local files [06:29:16] Completed 390000 out of 500000 steps (78 percent) [06:37:04] Writing local files [06:37:04] Completed 395000 out of 500000 steps (79 percent) [06:44:51] Writing local files [06:44:51] Completed 400000 out of 500000 steps (80 percent) [06:52:38] Writing local files [06:52:38] Completed 405000 out of 500000 steps (81 percent) [07:00:26] Writing local files [07:00:26] Completed 410000 out of 500000 steps (82 percent) [07:08:12] Writing local files [07:08:12] Completed 415000 out of 500000 steps (83 percent) [07:15:59] Writing local files [07:15:59] Completed 420000 out of 500000 steps (84 percent) [07:23:45] Writing local files [07:23:45] Completed 425000 out of 500000 steps (85 percent) [07:31:32] Writing local files [07:31:32] Completed 430000 out of 500000 steps (86 percent) [07:39:19] Writing local files [07:39:19] Completed 435000 out of 500000 steps (87 percent) [07:47:06] Writing local files [07:47:06] Completed 440000 out of 500000 steps (88 percent) [07:54:53] Writing local files [07:54:53] Completed 445000 out of 500000 steps (89 percent) [08:02:40] Writing local files [08:02:40] Completed 450000 out of 500000 steps (90 percent) [08:10:27] Writing local files [08:10:27] Completed 455000 out of 500000 steps (91 percent) [08:18:13] Writing local files [08:18:13] Completed 460000 out of 500000 steps (92 percent) [08:26:00] Writing local files [08:26:00] Completed 465000 out of 500000 steps (93 percent) [08:33:45] Writing local files [08:33:45] Completed 470000 out of 500000 steps (94 percent) [08:41:30] Writing local files [08:41:30] Completed 475000 out of 500000 steps (95 percent) [08:49:16] Writing local files [08:49:16] Completed 480000 out of 500000 steps (96 percent) [08:57:02] Writing local files [08:57:02] Completed 485000 out of 500000 steps (97 percent) [09:04:48] Writing local files [09:04:48] Completed 490000 out of 500000 steps (98 percent) [09:12:34] Writing local files [09:12:34] Completed 495000 out of 500000 steps (99 percent) [09:20:20] Writing local files [09:20:20] Completed 500000 out of 500000 steps (100 percent) [09:20:20] Writing final coordinates. [09:20:20] Past main M.D. loop [09:20:20] Will end MPI now [09:20:53] - Autosending finished units... [09:20:53] Trying to send all finished work units [09:20:53] + No unsent completed units remaining. [09:20:53] - Autosend completed [09:21:20] [09:21:20] Finished Work Unit: [09:21:20] - Reading up to 3726768 from "work/wudata_04.arc": Read 3726768 [09:21:20] - Reading up to 1782252 from "work/wudata_04.xtc": Read 1782252 [09:21:20] goefile size: 0 [09:21:20] logfile size: 30347 [09:21:20] Leaving Run [09:21:25] - Writing 5543767 bytes of core data to disk... [09:21:25] ... Done. [09:21:25] - Failed to delete work/ [09:21:25] - Failed to delete work/wudata_04.goe [09:21:25] Warning: check for stray files [09:21:25] - Shutting down core [09:21:25] [09:21:25] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT [09:21:25] [09:21:25] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT [09:23:29] CoreStatus = 64 (100) [09:23:29] Unit 4 finished with 74 percent of time to deadline remaining. [09:23:29] Updated performance fraction: 0.775658 [09:23:29] Sending work to server [09:23:29] + Attempting to send results [09:23:29] - Reading file work/wuresults_04.dat from core [09:23:29] (Read 5543767 bytes from disk) [09:23:29] Connecting to [09:29:13] Posted data. [09:29:15] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~15 kB/s [09:29:15] - Averaged speed for that direction ~17 kB/s [09:29:15] + Results successfully sent [09:29:15] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home. [09:29:15] + Number of Units Completed: 39 [09:31:37] - Warning: Could not delete all work unit files (4): Core returned invalid code [09:31:37] Trying to send all finished work units [09:31:37] + No unsent completed units remaining. [09:31:37] - Preparing to get new work unit... [09:31:37] + Attempting to get work packet [09:31:37] - Will indicate memory of 2046 MB [09:31:37] - Connecting to assignment server [09:31:37] Connecting to [09:31:40] Posted data. [09:31:40] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to ( [09:31:40] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home [09:31:40] Loaded queue successfully. [09:31:40] Connecting to [09:31:46] Posted data. [09:31:46] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 2950257) [09:34:21] - Downloaded at ~18 kB/s [09:34:21] - Averaged speed for that direction ~45 kB/s [09:34:21] + Received work. [09:34:21] Trying to send all finished work units [09:34:21] + No unsent completed units remaining. [09:34:21] + Closed connections [09:34:21] [09:34:21] + Processing work unit [09:34:21] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe [09:34:21] Core found. [09:34:21] Working on Unit 05 [January 30 09:34:21] [09:34:21] + Working ... [09:34:21] - Calling 'mpiexec -channel auto -np 4 FahCore_a1.exe -dir work/ -suffix 05 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 1984 -version 591' [09:34:21] [09:34:21] *------------------------------* [09:34:21] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core [09:34:21] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007) [09:34:21] [09:34:21] Preparing to commence simulation [09:34:21] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [09:34:38] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on. [09:34:38] - Not checking prior termination. [09:34:43] - Expanded 2949745 -> 15229627 (decompressed 516.3 percent) [09:34:43] - Starting from initial work packet [09:34:43] [09:34:43] Project: 2653 (Run 24, Clone 132, Gen 50) [09:34:43] [09:34:44] Assembly optimizations on if available. [09:34:44] Entering M.D. [09:34:50] Rejecting checkpoint [09:34:50] [09:34:50] [09:34:50] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FILE_IO_ERROR [09:34:50] Finalizing output [15:20:53] - Autosending finished units... [15:20:53] Trying to send all finished work units [15:20:53] + No unsent completed units remaining. [15:20:53] - Autosend completed [18:28:37] Killing all core threads [18:28:37] Killing SMP core threads [18:28:37] Killing 4 cores [18:28:37] Killing core 0 [18:28:37] Killing core 1 [18:28:37] Killing core 2 [18:28:37] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown at user request. [18:28:37] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2) [18:28:37] Killing all core threads [18:28:37] Killing SMP core threads [18:28:37] Killing 4 cores [18:28:37] Killing core 0 [18:28:37] Killing core 1 [18:28:37] Killing core 2 [18:28:37] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown. --- Opening Log file [January 30 18:28:39] # SMP Client ################################################################## ############################################################################### Folding@Home Client Version 5.91beta5 ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Launch directory: C:\folding_smp Executable: C:\folding_smp\fah.exe Arguments: -forceasm -verbosity 9 Warning: By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to do this, please restart the program without -forceasm. If work units are not completing fully (and particularly if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue use of the flag. [18:28:39] - Ask before connecting: No [18:28:39] - User name: ElectriZ (Team 51) [18:28:39] - User ID: 3A61C69767DA433 [18:28:39] - Machine ID: 1 [18:28:39] [18:28:39] Loaded queue successfully. [18:28:39] [18:28:39] - Autosending finished units... [18:28:39] + Processing work unit [18:28:39] Trying to send all finished work units [18:28:39] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe [18:28:39] + No unsent completed units remaining. [18:28:39] - Autosend completed [18:28:39] Core found. [18:28:39] Working on Unit 05 [January 30 18:28:39] [18:28:39] + Working ... [18:28:39] - Calling 'mpiexec -channel auto -np 4 FahCore_a1.exe -dir work/ -suffix 05 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 2964 -version 591' [18:28:39] [18:28:39] *------------------------------* [18:28:39] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core [18:28:39] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007) [18:28:39] [18:28:39] Preparing to commence simulation [18:28:39] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [18:28:56] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on. [18:28:56] - Not checking prior termination. [18:29:01] - Expanded 2949745 -> 15229627 (decompressed 516.3 percent) [18:29:01] - Starting from initial work packet [18:29:01] [18:29:01] Project: 2653 (Run 24, Clone 132, Gen 50) [18:29:01] [18:29:02] Assembly optimizations on if available. [18:29:02] Entering M.D. [18:29:08] Couldn't open Go file [18:29:08] [18:29:08] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FILE_IO_ERROR [18:29:08] [18:29:08] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FILE_IO_ERROR [18:29:14] Killing all core threads [18:29:14] Killing SMP core threads [18:29:14] Killing 4 cores [18:29:14] Killing core 0 [18:29:14] Killing core 1 [18:29:14] Killing core 2 [18:29:14] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown at user request. [18:29:14] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2) [18:29:14] Killing all core threads [18:29:14] Killing SMP core threads [18:29:14] Killing 4 cores [18:29:14] Killing core 0 [18:29:14] Killing core 1 [18:29:14] Killing core 2 [18:29:14] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown. --- Opening Log file [January 30 18:29:18] # SMP Client ################################################################## ############################################################################### Folding@Home Client Version 5.91beta5 ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Launch directory: C:\folding_smp Executable: C:\folding_smp\fah.exe Arguments: -forceasm -verbosity 9 Warning: By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to do this, please restart the program without -forceasm. If work units are not completing fully (and particularly if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue use of the flag. [18:29:18] - Ask before connecting: No [18:29:18] - User name: ElectriZ (Team 51) [18:29:18] - User ID: 3A61C69767DA433 [18:29:18] - Machine ID: 1 [18:29:18] [18:29:18] Loaded queue successfully. [18:29:18] [18:29:18] - Autosending finished units... [18:29:18] + Processing work unit [18:29:18] Trying to send all finished work units [18:29:18] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe [18:29:18] + No unsent completed units remaining. [18:29:18] - Autosend completed [18:29:18] Core found. [18:29:18] Working on Unit 05 [January 30 18:29:18] [18:29:18] + Working ... [18:29:18] - Calling 'mpiexec -channel auto -np 4 FahCore_a1.exe -dir work/ -suffix 05 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 3828 -version 591' [18:29:18] [18:29:18] *------------------------------* [18:29:18] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core [18:29:18] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007) [18:29:18] [18:29:18] Preparing to commence simulation [18:29:18] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [18:29:20] - Starting from initial work packet [18:29:20] [18:29:20] Project: 2653 (Run 24, Clone 132, Gen 50) [18:29:20] [18:29:20] Assembly optimizations on if available. [18:29:20] Entering M.D. [18:29:39] on if available. [18:29:39] Entering M.D. [18:29:44] work thread failure [18:29:44] - Shutting down core [18:29:44] [18:29:44] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FILE_IO_ERROR [18:29:44] Finalizing output [18:29:50] CoreStatus = 7B (123) [18:29:50] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0x7b [18:29:50] Deleting current work unit & continuing... [18:32:10] - Warning: Could not delete all work unit files (5): Core returned invalid code [18:32:10] Trying to send all finished work units [18:32:10] + No unsent completed units remaining. [18:32:10] - Preparing to get new work unit... [18:32:10] + Attempting to get work packet [18:32:10] - Will indicate memory of 2046 MB [18:32:10] - Connecting to assignment server [18:32:10] Connecting to [18:32:12] Posted data. [18:32:12] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to ( [18:32:12] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home [18:32:12] Loaded queue successfully. [18:32:12] Connecting to [18:32:14] Posted data. [18:32:14] Initial: 0000; + Could not connect to Work Server [18:32:14] - Error: Attempt #1 to get work failed, and no other work to do. Waiting before retry. [18:32:33] + Attempting to get work packet [18:32:33] - Will indicate memory of 2046 MB [18:32:33] - Connecting to assignment server [18:32:33] Connecting to [18:32:34] Posted data. [18:32:34] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to ( [18:32:34] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home [18:32:34] Loaded queue successfully. [18:32:34] Connecting to [18:32:38] Posted data. [18:32:38] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 2969595) [18:33:13] - Downloaded at ~82 kB/s [18:33:13] - Averaged speed for that direction ~53 kB/s [18:33:13] + Received work. [18:33:13] + Closed connections [18:33:18] [18:33:18] + Processing work unit [18:33:18] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe [18:33:18] Core found. [18:33:18] Working on Unit 06 [January 30 18:33:18] [18:33:18] + Working ... [18:33:18] - Calling 'mpiexec -channel auto -np 4 FahCore_a1.exe -dir work/ -suffix 06 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 3828 -version 591' [18:33:18] [18:33:18] *------------------------------* [18:33:18] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core [18:33:18] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007) [18:33:18] [18:33:18] Preparing to commence simulation [18:33:18] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [18:33:35] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on. [18:33:35] - Not checking prior termination. [18:33:40] - Expanded 2969083 -> 15217014 (decompressed 512.5 percent) [18:33:40] - Starting from initial work packet [18:33:40] [18:33:40] Project: 2653 (Run 34, Clone 161, Gen 47) [18:33:40] [18:33:41] Assembly optimizations on if available. [18:33:41] Entering M.D. [18:33:47] Rejecting checkpoint [18:33:47] [18:33:47] [18:33:47] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FILE_IO_ERROR [18:33:47] Finalizing output [18:52:52] Killing all core threads [18:52:52] Killing SMP core threads [18:52:52] Killing 4 cores [18:52:52] Killing core 0 [18:52:52] Killing core 1 [18:52:52] Killing core 2 [18:52:52] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown at user request. [18:52:52] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2) [18:52:52] Killing all core threads [18:52:52] Killing SMP core threads [18:52:52] Killing 4 cores [18:52:52] Killing core 0 [18:52:52] Killing core 1 [18:52:52] Killing core 2 [18:52:52] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown. --- Opening Log file [January 30 18:52:55] # SMP Client ################################################################## ############################################################################### Folding@Home Client Version 5.91beta5 ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Launch directory: C:\folding_smp Executable: C:\folding_smp\fah.exe Arguments: -forceasm -verbosity 9 Warning: By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to do this, please restart the program without -forceasm. If work units are not completing fully (and particularly if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue use of the flag. [18:52:55] - Ask before connecting: No [18:52:55] - User name: ElectriZ (Team 51) [18:52:55] - User ID: 3A61C69767DA433 [18:52:55] - Machine ID: 1 [18:52:55] [18:52:55] Loaded queue successfully. [18:52:55] [18:52:55] - Autosending finished units... [18:52:55] + Processing work unit [18:52:55] Trying to send all finished work units [18:52:55] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe [18:52:55] + No unsent completed units remaining. [18:52:55] - Autosend completed [18:52:55] Core found. [18:52:55] Working on Unit 06 [January 30 18:52:55] [18:52:55] + Working ... [18:52:55] - Calling 'mpiexec -channel auto -np 4 FahCore_a1.exe -dir work/ -suffix 06 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 2088 -version 591' [18:52:56] [18:52:56] *------------------------------* [18:52:56] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core [18:52:56] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007) [18:52:56] [18:52:56] Preparing to commence simulation [18:52:56] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [18:53:13] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on. [18:53:13] - Not checking prior termination. [18:53:18] - Expanded 2969083 -> 15217014 (decompressed 512.5 percent) [18:53:18] - Starting from initial work packet [18:53:18] [18:53:18] Project: 2653 (Run 34, Clone 161, Gen 47) [18:53:18] [18:53:18] Assembly optimizations on if available. [18:53:18] Entering M.D. [18:53:25] Couldn't open Go file [18:53:25] [18:53:25] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FILE_IO_ERROR [18:53:25] Finalizing output [18:53:26] Killing all core threads [18:53:26] Killing SMP core threads [18:53:26] Killing 4 cores [18:53:26] Killing core 0 [18:53:26] Killing core 1 [18:53:26] Killing core 2 [18:53:26] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown at user request. [18:53:26] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2) [18:53:26] Killing all core threads [18:53:26] Killing SMP core threads [18:53:26] Killing 4 cores [18:53:26] Killing core 0 [18:53:26] Killing core 1 [18:53:26] Killing core 2 [18:53:26] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown. --- Opening Log file [January 30 18:53:29] # SMP Client ################################################################## ############################################################################### Folding@Home Client Version 5.91beta5 ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Launch directory: C:\folding_smp Executable: C:\folding_smp\fah.exe Arguments: -forceasm -verbosity 9 Warning: By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to do this, please restart the program without -forceasm. If work units are not completing fully (and particularly if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue use of the flag. [18:53:29] - Ask before connecting: No [18:53:29] - User name: ElectriZ (Team 51) [18:53:29] - User ID: 3A61C69767DA433 [18:53:29] - Machine ID: 1 [18:53:29] [18:53:29] Loaded queue successfully. [18:53:29] [18:53:29] - Autosending finished units... [18:53:29] + Processing work unit [18:53:29] Trying to send all finished work units [18:53:29] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe [18:53:29] + No unsent completed units remaining. [18:53:29] - Autosend completed [18:53:29] Core found. [18:53:29] Working on Unit 06 [January 30 18:53:29] [18:53:29] + Working ... [18:53:29] - Calling 'mpiexec -channel auto -np 4 FahCore_a1.exe -dir work/ -suffix 06 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 2184 -version 591' [18:53:29] [18:53:29] *------------------------------* [18:53:29] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core [18:53:29] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007) [18:53:29] [18:53:29] Preparing to commence simulation [18:53:29] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [18:53:46] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on. [18:53:46] - Not checking prior termination. [18:53:51] - Expanded 2969083 -> 15217014 (decompressed 512.5 percent) [18:53:51] - Starting from initial work packet [18:53:51] [18:53:51] Project: 2653 (Run 34, Clone 161, Gen 47) [18:53:51] [18:53:52] Assembly optimizations on if available. [18:53:52] Entering M.D. [18:53:58] Couldn't open Go file [18:53:58] [18:53:58] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FILE_IO_ERROR [18:53:58] [18:53:58] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FILE_IO_ERROR [18:55:04] Killing all core threads [18:55:04] Killing SMP core threads [18:55:04] Killing 4 cores [18:55:04] Killing core 0 [18:55:04] Killing core 1 [18:55:04] Killing core 2 [18:55:04] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown at user request. [18:55:04] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2) [18:55:04] Killing all core threads [18:55:04] Killing SMP core threads [18:55:04] Killing 4 cores [18:55:04] Killing core 0 [18:55:04] Killing core 1 [18:55:04] Killing core 2 [18:55:04] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown. --- Opening Log file [January 30 18:55:07] # SMP Client ################################################################## ############################################################################### Folding@Home Client Version 5.91beta5 ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Launch directory: C:\folding_smp Executable: C:\folding_smp\fah.exe Arguments: -forceasm -verbosity 9 Warning: By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to do this, please restart the program without -forceasm. If work units are not completing fully (and particularly if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue use of the flag. [18:55:07] - Ask before connecting: No [18:55:07] - User name: ElectriZ (Team 51) [18:55:07] - User ID: 3A61C69767DA433 [18:55:07] - Machine ID: 1 [18:55:07] [18:55:07] Loaded queue successfully. [18:55:07] [18:55:07] - Autosending finished units... [18:55:07] + Processing work unit [18:55:07] Trying to send all finished work units [18:55:07] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe [18:55:07] + No unsent completed units remaining. [18:55:07] - Autosend completed [18:55:07] Core found. [18:55:07] Working on Unit 06 [January 30 18:55:07] [18:55:07] + Working ... [18:55:07] - Calling 'mpiexec -channel auto -np 4 FahCore_a1.exe -dir work/ -suffix 06 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 3156 -version 591' [18:55:07] [18:55:07] *------------------------------* [18:55:07] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core [18:55:07] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007) [18:55:07] [18:55:07] Preparing to commence simulation [18:55:07] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [18:55:09] - Starting from initial work packet [18:55:09] [18:55:09] Project: 2653 (Run 34, Clone 161, Gen 47) [18:55:09] [18:55:09] Assembly optimizations on if available. [18:55:09] Entering M.D. [18:55:29] on if available. [18:55:29] Entering M.D. [18:55:35] Couldn't open Go file [18:55:35] [18:55:35] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FILE_IO_ERROR [18:55:35] [18:55:35] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FILE_IO_ERROR [18:55:37] Killing all core threads [18:55:37] Killing SMP core threads [18:55:37] Killing 4 cores [18:55:37] Killing core 0 [18:55:37] Killing core 1 [18:55:37] Killing core 2 [18:55:37] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown at user request. [18:55:37] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2) [18:55:37] Killing all core threads [18:55:37] Killing SMP core threads [18:55:37] Killing 4 cores [18:55:37] Killing core 0 [18:55:37] Killing core 1 [18:55:37] Killing core 2 [18:55:37] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown. --- Opening Log file [January 30 18:55:39] # SMP Client ################################################################## ############################################################################### Folding@Home Client Version 5.91beta5 ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Launch directory: C:\folding_smp Executable: C:\folding_smp\fah.exe Arguments: -forceasm -verbosity 9 Warning: By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to do this, please restart the program without -forceasm. If work units are not completing fully (and particularly if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue use of the flag. [18:55:39] - Ask before connecting: No [18:55:39] - User name: ElectriZ (Team 51) [18:55:39] - User ID: 3A61C69767DA433 [18:55:39] - Machine ID: 1 [18:55:39] [18:55:39] Loaded queue successfully. [18:55:39] [18:55:39] - Autosending finished units... [18:55:39] + Processing work unit [18:55:39] Trying to send all finished work units [18:55:39] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe [18:55:39] + No unsent completed units remaining. [18:55:39] - Autosend completed [18:55:39] Core found. [18:55:39] Working on Unit 06 [January 30 18:55:39] [18:55:39] + Working ... [18:55:39] - Calling 'mpiexec -channel auto -np 4 FahCore_a1.exe -dir work/ -suffix 06 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 3628 -version 591' [18:55:39] [18:55:39] *------------------------------* [18:55:39] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core [18:55:39] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007) [18:55:39] [18:55:39] Preparing to commence simulation [18:55:39] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [18:55:41] - Starting from initial work packet [18:55:41] [18:55:41] Project: 2653 (Run 34, Clone 161, Gen 47) [18:55:41] [18:55:41] Assembly optimizations on if available. [18:55:41] Entering M.D. [18:56:00] on if available. [18:56:00] Entering M.D. [18:56:06] Rejecting checkpoint [18:56:06] LE_IO_ERROR [18:56:06] Finalizing output [18:56:10] Killing all core threads [18:56:10] Killing SMP core threads [18:56:10] Killing 4 cores [18:56:10] Killing core 0 [18:56:10] Killing core 1 [18:56:10] Killing core 2 [18:56:10] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown at user request. [18:56:10] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2) [18:56:10] Killing all core threads [18:56:10] Killing SMP core threads [18:56:10] Killing 4 cores [18:56:10] Killing core 0 [18:56:10] Killing core 1 [18:56:10] Killing core 2 [18:56:10] Killing core 3 Folding@Home Client Shutdown. --- Opening Log file [January 30 18:56:11] # SMP Client ################################################################## ############################################################################### Folding@Home Client Version 5.91beta5 ############################################################################### ############################################################################### Launch directory: C:\folding_smp Executable: C:\folding_smp\fah.exe Arguments: -forceasm -verbosity 9 Warning: By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to do this, please restart the program without -forceasm. If work units are not completing fully (and particularly if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue use of the flag. [18:56:11] - Ask before connecting: No [18:56:11] - User name: ElectriZ (Team 51) [18:56:11] - User ID: 3A61C69767DA433 [18:56:11] - Machine ID: 1 [18:56:11] [18:56:12] Loaded queue successfully. [18:56:12] [18:56:12] - Autosending finished units... [18:56:12] + Processing work unit [18:56:12] Trying to send all finished work units [18:56:12] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe [18:56:12] + No unsent completed units remaining. [18:56:12] - Autosend completed [18:56:12] Core found. [18:56:12] Working on Unit 06 [January 30 18:56:12] [18:56:12] + Working ... [18:56:12] - Calling 'mpiexec -channel auto -np 4 FahCore_a1.exe -dir work/ -suffix 06 -checkpoint 15 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 2936 -version 591' [18:56:12] [18:56:12] *------------------------------* [18:56:12] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core [18:56:12] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007) [18:56:12] [18:56:12] Preparing to commence simulation [18:56:12] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [18:56:29] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on. [18:56:29] - Not checking prior termination. [18:56:34] - Expanded 2969083 -> 15217014 (decompressed 512.5 percent) [18:56:34] - Starting from initial work packet [18:56:34] [18:56:34] Project: 2653 (Run 34, Clone 161, Gen 47) [18:56:34] [18:56:34] Assembly optimizations on if available. [18:56:34] Entering M.D. [18:56:41] Rejecting checkpoint [18:56:41] Protein: Protein in POPCExtra SSE boost OK. [18:56:41] [18:56:42] Extra SSE boost OK. [18:56:42] Writing local files [18:56:42] Completed 0 out of 500000 steps (0 percent) A noter que je quitte toujours le client avec le fameux CTRL+C Merci de votre aide les gens
  8. ElectriZ

    new config qui tue

    Sans compter que les tops plexi caymal, beau matos. Tu devrais gagner en perf sitot que tu aura une meilleur circulation d'air au niveau de ton rad (les fan en aspi alors que ya le boitier en dessous... moyen). C'est lesquels tes Nanoxia ? Parce que vu l'epaisseur de ton rad, faut que meme a 5v ca souffle (ou aspire dans ton cas) un minimum quoi...
  9. Ba je vois pas vraiment l'interet en fait. Je collerais toutes mes becanes sur un nick genre [PcPerf]_ElectriZ, on verrais que "celui qui titille les grands une fois de temps en temps" est dans la team PcPerf, mais si c'est pour mettre un seul SMP dessus... ca ferait rien de plus qu'un pseudo membre actif dans la team. Puis c'est clair qu'avec 400k points, il est hors de question que je colle toutes mes machines sur un nouveau nick.
  10. Ta traduction semble bonne en effet. A noter qu'ils comptent rallonger les deadlines...
  11. Oui, on me l'a deja dit en effet... Mais il est hors de question que je change de pseudo alors que jsuis plus tres loin du demi million
  12. Moi content, enfin dans le top 3
  13. Oui 400000 points, cayboooo ! Donc, objectif rempli, je suis 3eme, mais avec une petite deception, c'est que jme suis fais niq*** d'une WU SMP Mais bon, jai tout de meme fais mes ptit screens EZ content
  14. Oulla !!! c'est une bonne journee, mais ce n'est en rien ce que je peux tenir tout les jours. La c'est les 3 PC du taf qui ont la bonne idee de finir en meme temps leurs WU c'est tout. Avec mes PC a moi perso, je tourne entre 3 et 5 (rare) WU SMP par jours (ce qui n'est deja pas si mal je trouve )
  15. Et moi qui me suis fais ch*** a faire un url-rewriting sur mon ftp...
  16. De la chance dans mon malheure, le Quad a bien relance pour une nouvelle WU. L'echange de WU entre 2 client c'est bien deroulé aussi... donc a 23H la 8ème WU de la journee devrait etre terminee Merci pat1ent00, mais le Quad tourne sous Windows, et je n'ai pas trouver le serveur pour Windows, que le client... domage
  17. Mais rien ne se passe jamais comme prevu. Forcement c'est aujourd'hui que le serveur VNC decide de planter... donc si le Client SMP du Quad n'a pas relancé de WU apres avoir envoye la sienne, 1 SMP de moin. Pffffff jsuis vert deja !
  18. Je vais m'appliquer rien que pour voir vos posts alors
  19. Aujourd'hui jvais surement faire un score classic (dans les 5500), mais demain devrait etre un grand cru ! Peut etre serai-je enfin dans le top 3 du jour. Je prevois un minimum de 6 SMP, 7 si le Quad relance bien le client ares envoie de sa WU (mais j'ai VNC pour veiller au grain !), et 8 avec une technique d'echange de WU entre clients. Donc si tout se passe bien (j'avais dis ça la derniere fois... mais cela n'avait pas ete terrible), je devrait pouvoir faire 14080 points ! Avec un score comme ça, personne de devrait theoriquement pouvoir me prendre ma 3eme place (je parle des Doume_(France), [LEENFAT]dapo, [inpact]_PLouf...) Si ca passe, jvais faire des screen de partout
  20. ElectriZ

    Ouep spas si mal, surtout que les les 3/4 des PC de l'usine sont coupé maintenant, j'ai juste le 2 PC qui me font un SMP tout les 2-3 jours chacuns. Donc c'est mes PC perso qui tiennent mes stats avec leurs petits bras musclés : Bientot un autre C2D pour completer la team, et je devrais (theoriquement) faire en 7040 et 10560 pts par jours (Sauf au debut du phase-change ou je vais le tester sur tout squi bouge )
  21. ElectriZ

    Super bien fait je trouve. Me suis inscrit, et poste un tit bench de superpi 1M. Ba jsuis meme pas dans le top 1000, 12.813 sur un E6600 spas minable quoi. Mechant les gens. Bref c'etait pour tester, et jaime bien Edit : M'en fou, je serais bientot dans le top 100 de l'alliance francophone ! Et toc
  22. Bon spas non plus un triple etages, mais suffisant pour pousser plus haut mon Q6600 sans quil ne soit bride par la temperature (ce qui est actuellement le cas grave !). Tiens -50 a vide et -25 environ en charge (E6600 @4800 en benchs). Fabriqué par skirms, donc theoriquement une belle bete Arrivee prevus au environ de fin de semaine prochaine. Le E4500, jsais pas encore a combien il va tenir, sachant quil restera en air cooling normalement (et avec le radbox dans un premier temps), j'espere un tit 3/3.2Ghz. Je l'ai achete pour remplacer mon vieillissant Opteron 144 qui me servait de divxbox. Donc a la base pas pour folding specifiquement (jveux pas monter une farm wam ), mais sil peut faire une WU SMP par jour, ca sera bien cool Edit : Pour le moment, il tiens les 3.2ghz stable, le tout avec 1.45 de vCore (bios) et en allant jusqu'a 52°C en burn. Honnete pour le moment donc. Je vais voir jusqu'ou il monte, mais c'est une divxbox, donc une config qui devra rester silencieuse (bien que le radbox tourne a donf en ce moment, et c'est quasi inaudible...) Edit 2 : Apres test, il semble que ce E4500 aime beaucoup les volts. Il continu de monter mais avec des tensions qui ne sont pas vraiment a conseiller avec un air-cooling, radbox qui plus est. Il va donc rester a 3.2, ce qui lui permet de se maintenir a 52-53°C avec folding qui tourne. Cette frequence fait que une WU SMP se fait en (bon cest theorique pour le moment, j'en suis qu'a 10%) 23H30 environ, avec un PPD de 1801. Donc, objectif atteind, 1WU SMP par jours pour le p'tit C2D, EZ content
  23. Ba on devrait pas tarder a faire mieux, ca fais 3 jours que je Quad tourne plus. Il chauffe enormement, donc jle colle en repos en le preparant gentillement (jolie format, nettoyage du boitier...) a l'arrivee de son zolie phase-change Sinon, j'ai recu le E4500 aujourd'hui, il est en cours d'installation. Dans la nuit il sera en test d'o/c. Il devrait tourner sous folding d'ici peu donc
  24. J'ai un premier E4500 qui devrait arriver milieu de semaine prochaine normalement (Et aussi TRES prochainement un DOD pour le Quad, enfin il arretera de me gongler a trop chauffer )
  25. Arf etant donnees pour 2.35v (c'est Kingston qui le dit, pas moi), je pense que ca passera en SAV... Le probleme principal etant que comme cest un pack 2*1Go, jvais devoir renvoyer les 2. Donc le dual et le quad vont devoir partager un pack pendant ce temps
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